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The DimPort32MK2-Han6 (2nd generation) is a smart 6-channel dimmer for the traverse,directly to the consumer in Han6 version.Specific features:no Lakas and Dimmercities (70% less cable/weight/setup time & personnel, truck space)Integrate and address any number of conventional spotlights via DMX5126 channel three-phase dimmer for the traverselow hum and scatteringonly short paths with phase control to the consumerspecial filtersCEE in/out (16A/32) Daisychain6x 10 amps (self-reset fuses, maintenance-free)diverse DimKurven / SwitchbetriebRDM (Bidirectional Communication): Headless parameterization and operational data transmissionSoft channel patch for fast channel routingDefinable behavior in the event of DMX failureConnections:1x CEE32-5p-In1x XLR5-in (DMX512)6x Powercon-Out (Load)1x XLR5-out (DMX512)1x CEE32-5p-Through OutTechnical data:

The DimPort32MK2 (2nd generation) is a smart 6-channel dimmer for the traverse,directly on the consumer in 6x Powercon (grey) versionSpecific features:6 channel three-phase dimmer for the TravereLow hum and dispersiononly short paths with phase control to the consumerspecial filtersup to 70% less cablingTraversenmontageCEE in/out (16A/32) Daisychain6x 10 amps (self-reset fuses, maintenance-free)diverse DimKurven / SwitchbetriebRDM (Bidirectional Communication): Headless parameterization and operational data transmissionSoft channel patch for fast channel routingDefinable behavior in the event of DMX failureConnections:1x CEE32-5p-In1x XLR5-in (DMX512)6x Powercon-Out (Load)1x XLR5-out (DMX512)1x CEE32-5p-Through OutTechnical data:



Der DimPort stellt eine Abrundung des CEE Bussystems dar. Zusammen mit den DrivePorts und den RigPorts lassen sich somit vollständige Installationen auf dem Bussystem mit nur einer CEE Hauptleitung realisieren.

Seine Vorteile sind:

  • brumm- und streuungsarm
  • kurze Wege mit Phasenanschnitt zum Verbraucher
  • spezielle Filter
  • bis zu 70% weniger Verkabelung
  • 6-Kanal-Dimmer
  • Traversenmontage
  • 6 x 10Ampere (Powercon/Han16)
  • CEE in/out (16A/32A) Daisychain