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Smart VT – Intelligente IIoT-Lösungen für die Veranstaltungstechnik

Volle Kontrolle. Maximale Sicherheit. Einfache Integration.

Die Smart VT-Serie von Rigport definiert intelligente Powermonitoring- und Sensortechnik neu – speziell für die Anforderungen der Veranstaltungstechnik. Ob Stromnetzüberwachung, kritische Lasten oder komplexe Sensordaten – Smart VT bietet Ihnen eine zentrale, smarte Lösung für alle wichtigen Mess- und Steueraufgaben.

Effizientes Powermonitoring – Vor Ort & Smart überwacht

  • Echtzeitüberwachung: Messen Sie Strom, Spannung, Leistung und mehr an neuralgischen Punkten wie Zuleitungen, Unterverteilungen oder kritischen Lasten.

  • Sofort reagieren: Dank smarter Powermonitore (WatchDogs) werden kritische Zustände sofort erkannt und können vor Ort behoben werden.

  • Vernetzt & smart: Über Bluetooth, Wi-Fi oder Ethernet lässt sich alles zentral auf einem Server oder in der Cloud überwachen – z.B. mit unserem RackPort Main.

Schützen Sie Ihre Veranstaltung vor unerwarteten Ausfällen – einfach, effizient und in Echtzeit.

Mehr als nur Strom: Eine Infrastruktur für alles

Mit den neuen DataPorts wird Smart VT zur zentralen Managementeinheit Ihrer Veranstaltung. Integrieren Sie alle denkbaren Sensoren, Aktoren und Gateways in ein einziges System:

  • Lastmesszellen: Überwachen Sie das Gewicht von Traversen und Bühnenaufbauten.

  • Wind- und Wettersensoren: Messen Sie Windgeschwindigkeiten und Temperaturdaten für maximale Sicherheit bei Open-Air-Events.

  • Distanzmessung & Bewegungsüberwachung: Optimale Kontrolle bei komplexen Aufbauten.

  • Automatisierte Reaktionen: Integrierte Schalter, Meldesignale und Impulsgeber reagieren bei Grenzwertüberschreitungen automatisch.

Smart VT bietet Ihnen maximale Transparenz und Sicherheit – in Echtzeit und zentral verwaltet.


Für Operator

  • Einfache Installation: Powermonitore sind direkt einklinkbar – flexibel zwischen Zuleitungen, Lasten und mehr.

  • Schnelle Fehlererkennung: Kritische Zustände werden sofort gemeldet und lokalisiert.

  • Volle Kontrolle: Direkter Zugriff vor Ort oder per Smart-Verbindung auf alle relevanten Daten.

Für Event-Manager

  • Kosten senken: Vermeiden Sie teure Ausfälle durch vorausschauende Überwachung.

  • Sicherheit maximieren: Gewährleisten Sie zuverlässige Strom- und Sensorkontrolle für jede Veranstaltung.

  • Einfache Integration: Zentralisieren Sie alle Sensoren und Aktoren in einem einzigen, übersichtlichen System.

Ein System, unendliche Möglichkeiten

Smart VT macht Ihre Veranstaltung effizienter, sicherer und smarter:

  1. Einfach integrierbar – direkt in bestehende Stromnetze oder Event-Infrastrukturen.

  2. Flexibel überwachbar – lokal, zentral oder über die Cloud.

  3. Automatisierbar – für reibungslose Abläufe und höchste Effizienz.

Wählen Sie Smart VT – die Zukunft der Veranstaltungstechnik beginnt jetzt.

Jetzt Smart VT entdecken!

Sichern Sie sich die smarte Lösung für Ihre Veranstaltung. Kontaktieren Sie uns noch heute oder bestellen Sie direkt auf:

Rigport Smart VT – weil Effizienz, Sicherheit und Kontrolle keine Kompromisse dulden. 

Extend your control


With DataPorts, RigPort opens up the entire IoT world of event technology.
By simply integrating the ports at any position on your site, any property, no matter how unusual, can be detected by the corresponding sensor/data source, or any necessary action in the field can be controlled and typical standard interfaces can be integrated. 
Communication takes place as required, 
  • robustly wired, 
  • or wireless, even via battery.
In conjunction with the RackPortMain1, the entire field of sensors can also be managed.

RigPort Clamp
The RigPort Clamp is a truss clamp (50mm) for quick fixation of the RigPort line. Two clamps are required per port.Attention: this is not a lifting device, which is why a secondary safety device may be required!not compatible with L1S4 line Technical data:

The RigPortL1PM is a simple Wi-Fi power monitor with voltage/current display with Powercon connections for looping into 1-phase Powercon supply lines.Specific features:40-400V/100A high precision digital meter voltmeter ammeterLCD screen with wide viewing angleswitchable backlightVoltage measurement range: 40-400VMeasuring accuracy: ± 1%Current measurement range: 0-100AStarting current: 0.02AMeasuring accuracy: ± 1%Wi-Fi measurement of current and voltageShelly Plus PM mini Connections:1x Powercon-In NAC3MPXXA 1x Powercon-Through Out NAC3MPXXBTechnical data:

The RigPortL1T1PM is a simple Wi-Fi power monitor with voltage/current display with Powercon-True1 connections for looping into 1-phase Powercon-True1 supply lines.Specific features:40-400V/100A high precision digital meter voltmeter ammeterLCD screen with wide viewing angleswitchable backlightVoltage measurement range: 40-400VMeasuring accuracy: ± 1%Current measurement range: 0-100AStarting current: 0.02AMeasuring accuracy: ± 1%Wi-Fi measurement of current and voltageShelly Plus PM mini Connections:1x Powercon-T1-In NAC3MPX-TOP 1x Powercon-T1-Through Out NAC3FPX-TOPTechnical data:

The WatchDogL1 is a smart Wi-Fi power monitor with online voltage/current measurement for looping into 1-phase Powercon supply lines.Specific features:two programmable 16 amp switching outputs (WatchDog function for limit values)Power measurement on each channelWeb server for monitoring and configurationWi-Fi, MQTT, Bluetooth...Performance measurement with data storageSmart schedules, scripting, webhooksShelly Plus 2PM Connections:1x Powercon-In NAC3MPXXA1x Powercon-Breakout NAC3MPXXB 1x Powercon-Through Out NAC3MPXXB Technical data:

The WatchDogL1S1 is a smart Wi-Fi power monitor with online voltage/current measurement for looping into 1-phase Powercon supply lines.Specific features:two programmable 16 amp switching outputs (WatchDog function for limit values)Power measurement on each channelWeb server for monitoring and configurationWi-Fi, MQTT, Bluetooth...Performance measurement with data storageSmart schedules, scripting, webhooksShelly Plus 2PM Connections:1x Powercon-In NAC3MPXXA 1x Schuko breakout1x Powercon-Through Out NAC3MPXXBTechnical data:

The WatchDogL1T1 is a smart Wi-Fi power monitor with online voltage/current measurement for looping into 1-phase Powercon True1 supply lines.Specific features:two programmable 16 amp switching outputs (WatchDog function for limit values)Power measurement on each channelWeb server for monitoring and configurationWi-Fi, MQTT, Bluetooth...Performance measurement with data storageSmart schedules, scripting, webhooksWi-Fi, MQTT...Shelly Plus 1PMConnections:1x Powercon-T1-In NAC3MPX-TOP1x Powercon-T1-Through Out NAC3FPX-TOP Technical data:

The WatchDogL1S1T1 is a smart Wi-Fi power monitor with online voltage/current measurement for looping into 1-phase Powercon True1 supply lines.Specific features:two programmable 16 amp switching outputs (WatchDog function for limit values)Power measurement on each channelWeb server for monitoring and configurationWi-Fi, MQTT, Bluetooth...Performance measurement with data storageSmart schedules, scripting, webhooksShelly Plus 2PMConnections:1x Powercon-T1-In NAC3MPXXA 1x Schuko breakout1x Powercon-T1-Through Out NAC3MPXXB Technical data:

The RPL16WD is an intelligent Wi-Fi power monitor for connection to 3-phase 16 amp supply lines.Voltage/current display for looping into 3-phase supply linesSpecific features:Measurement of all 3x outer conductorsWatchDog function for limit valuesPower measurement on each channelWeb server for monitoring and configurationWiFi, MQTT, Bluetooth...Performance measurement with data storageSmart schedules, scripting, webhooks3x digital display voltmeter ammeter, blue for each phaseVoltage measuring range: 60 V to 500 V, measuring accuracy ‎±1Current measurement: 0 to 100 A, measurement accuracy ±1Can be mounted quickly and easily with RigPort RPL-Clamps1x M10, 2x M4Shelly Pro 3EMConnections:1x CEE16-5p-In1x CEE16-5p-Through-Out1x EtherconDocumentation:manual Technical data:

The RPL32WD is an intelligent Wi-Fi power monitor for connection to 3-phase 32 amp supply lines.Voltage/current display for looping into 3-phase supply linesSpecific features:Measurement of all 3x outer conductorsWatchDog function for limit valuesPower measurement on each channelWeb server for monitoring and configurationWiFi, MQTT, Bluetooth...Performance measurement with data storageSmart schedules, scripting, webhooks3x digital display voltmeter ammeter, blue for each phaseVoltage measuring range: 60 V to 500 V, measuring accuracy ‎±1Current measurement: 0 to 100 A, measurement accuracy ±1 Can be mounted quickly and easily with RigPort RPL-Clamps1x M10, 2x M4Shelly Pro 3EMConnections:1x CEE32-5p-In1x CEE32-5p-Through-Out1x EtherconDocumentation:manual Technical data:

Der RPL63-PM-WD ist ein intelligenter Ethernet & Wi-Fi Powermonitor zum Einklinken in 3-phasige 63 Ampere Versorgungsstränge. Spannung/Strom -Anzeige zum Einschleifen in 3-phasige Versorgungsstränge  Spezifische Merkmale: Messung aller 3x Außenleiter WatchDog Funktion bei Grenzwerten Leistungsmessung auf jedem Kanal Webserver zum Monitoren und Konfigurieren Ethernet, Wi-Fi, MQTT, Bluetooth... Leistungsmessung mit Datenspeicherung Intelligente Zeitpläne, Skripting, Webhooks Ehternetanschluss, Servicesteckdose Powercon über RCBON-Leitermessung optional möglich 3x Digitalanzeige Voltmeter Amperemeter, für jede Phase Spannungsmessbereich: 60 V bis 500 V, Messgenauigkeit ‎±1 Strommessung: 0 bis 125 A, Messgenauigkeit ±1 2x M10 Optional: SchaltausgangShelly Pro 3EMOptional Janitza UMG806 Anschlüsse: 1x CEE63-5p Out1x CEE63-5p In1x Ethercon1x Powercon(-T1 optional) über RCBO Dokumentation:user manual Technische Daten:

Der RPL125-PM-WD ist ein intelligenter Ethernet & Wi-Fi Powermonitor zum Einklinken in 3-phasige 125 Ampere Versorgungsstränge. Spannung/Strom -Anzeige zum Einschleifen in 3-phasige Versorgungsstränge  Spezifische Merkmale: Messung aller 3x Außenleiter WatchDog Funktion bei Grenzwerten Leistungsmessung auf jedem Kanal Webserver zum Monitoren und Konfigurieren Ethernet, Wi-Fi, MQTT, Bluetooth... Leistungsmessung mit Datenspeicherung Intelligente Zeitpläne, Skripting, Webhooks EhternetanschlussServicesteckdose Powercon über RCBON-Leitermessung 3x Digitalanzeige Voltmeter Amperemeter, für jede Phase Spannungsmessbereich: 60 V bis 500 V, Messgenauigkeit ‎±1 Strommessung: 0 bis 150 A, Messgenauigkeit ±1 2x M10, Safety Ösen Optional: SchaltausgangShelly Pro 3EMOptional Janitza UMG806 Anschlüsse: 1x CEE125-5p Out1x CEE125-5p In1x Ethercon1x Powercon (-T1 optional) über RCBO Dokumentation:user manual Technische Daten:

Der RPL16-PM ist ein einfacher Powermonitor. Spannung/Strom -Anzeige zum Einschleifen in 3-phasige 16A Versorgungsstränge  Spezifische Merkmale: Digitalanzeige Voltmeter Amperemeter, blau Spannungsmessbereich: 60 V bis 500 V, Messgenauigkeit ‎±1 Strommessung: 0 bis 100 A, Messgenauigkeit ±1 CEE Inline kleine wartungsfreie on-Stage Stromverteilungen komplett schwarz für möglichst unauffällige Installation mit RPL-Clamp50 in der Traverse montierbar 1x M10, 2x M4 outdoor-tauglich Anschlüsse: 1x CEE16-5p-In 1x CEE16-5p-Through Out Dokumentation: User-Manual Technische Daten:

The RPL32-PM is a simple power monitor.Voltage/current display for looping into 3-phase 32A supply linesSpecific features:Digital display voltmeter ammeter, blueVoltage measurement range: 60V to 500V, measurement accuracy ‎±1Current measurement: 0 to 100 A, measurement accuracy ±1CEE Inlinesmall maintenance-free on-stage power distributionscompletely black for the most inconspicuous installation possibleCan be mounted in the traverse with RPL-Clamp501x M10, 2x M4suitable for outdoor useConnections:1x CEE32-5p-In1x CEE32-5p-Through OutTechnical data:

RPL63-PM-WD pro
in kürze verfügbar in Shelly pro3EM oder Janitza UMG806 Variante!Bilder noch abweichend! Der RPL63WD pro ist ein intelligenter Powermonitor höchster Präzision,  zum Einklinken in 3-phasige 63 Ampere Versorgungsstränge. Spannung/Strom -Anzeige zum Einschleifen in 3-phasige Versorgungsstränge  Spezifische Merkmale: Messung aller 3x Außenleiter WatchDog Funktion bei Grenzwerten Leistungsmessung auf jedem Kanal Webserver zum Monitoren und Konfigurieren Leistungsmessung mit Datenspeicherung Intelligente Zeitpläne, Skripting, Webhooks Ehternetanschluss, Servicesteckdose Powercon über RCBON-Leitermessung Digitalanzeige 1x M10, 2x M4 Optional: SchaltausgangJanitza UMG806 Anschlüsse: 1x CEE63-5p Out1x CEE63-5p In1x Ethercon1x Powercon T1 über RCBO Dokumentation:user manual Technische Daten:

RPL125-PM-WD pro
in kürze verfügbar in Shelly pro3EM oder Janitza UMG806 Variante! Bilder noch abweichend! Der RPL125WD pro ist ein intelligenter Powermonitor höchster Präzision, zum Einklinken in 3-phasige 125 Ampere Versorgungsstränge. Spannung/Strom -Anzeige zum Einschleifen in 3-phasige Versorgungsstränge  Spezifische Merkmale: Messung aller 3x Außenleiter WatchDog Funktion bei Grenzwerten Leistungsmessung auf jedem Kanal Webserver zum Monitoren und Konfigurieren Leistungsmessung mit Datenspeicherung Intelligente Zeitpläne, Skripting, Webhooks EhternetanschlussServicesteckdose Powercon über RCBON-Leitermessung Digitalanzeige  2x M10, Safety Ösen Optional: SchaltausgangJanitza UMG806 Anschlüsse: 1x CEE125-5p Out1x CEE125-5p In1x Ethercon1x Powercon T1 über RCBO Dokumentation:user manual Technische Daten:

Der RPL63-PM ist ein einfacher Powermonitor zum Einklinken in 3-phasige 63 Ampere Versorgungsstränge. Spannung/Strom -Anzeige zum Einschleifen in 3-phasige Versorgungsstränge  Spezifische Merkmale: Messung aller 3x AußenleiterServicesteckdose Powercon über RCBON-Leitermessung optional möglich 3x Digitalanzeige Voltmeter Amperemeter, für jede Phase Spannungsmessbereich: 60 V bis 500 V, Messgenauigkeit ‎±1 Strommessung: 0 bis 125 A, Messgenauigkeit ±1 2x M10 Anschlüsse: 1x CEE63-5p Out1x CEE63-5p In1x Powercon(-T1 optional) über RCBO Dokumentation:user manual Technische Daten:

Der RPL125-PM ist ein einfacher Powermonitor zum Einklinken in 3-phasige 125 Ampere Versorgungsstränge. Spannung/Strom -Anzeige zum Einschleifen in 3-phasige Versorgungsstränge  Spezifische Merkmale: Messung aller 3x AußenleiterServicesteckdose Powercon über RCBON-Leitermessung 3x Digitalanzeige Voltmeter Amperemeter, für jede Phase Spannungsmessbereich: 60 V bis 500 V, Messgenauigkeit ‎±1 Strommessung: 0 bis 150 A, Messgenauigkeit ±1 2x M10, Safety Ösen Anschlüsse: 1x CEE125-5p Out1x CEE125-5p In1x Powercon (-T1 optional) über RCBO Dokumentation:user manual Technische Daten:

The RPL16-MKII is a CEE16, 3-phase power distributor with side outlets.   Powercon-T1 taps of all three phases.16A CEE --> Powercon-T1 BreakoutBoxSpecific features:CEE Inlinesmall maintenance-free on-stage power distributionscompletely black for the most inconspicuous installation possibleCan be mounted in the traverse with RPL-Clamp50M10 screw mount for attaching couplers, trigger clamps or similar.2x M4 mountsuitable for outdoor useConnections:1x CEE16-5p-In3x TrueOne-Out1x CEE16-5p-Through OutTechnical data:

The RPL32-MKII is a CEE32, 3-phase power distributor with side outlets.   Powercon-T1 taps of all three phases with respective self-resetting 16A fuse.32A CEE --> Powercon-T1 (self-resetting fused) BreakoutBoxSpecific features:Smallest CEE32 fuse distributor in the worldCEE Inlinesmall maintenance-free on-stage power distributionscompletely black for the most inconspicuous installation possibleCan be mounted in the traverse with RPL-Clamp50M10 screw mount for attaching couplers, trigger clamps or similar.2x M4 mountsuitable for outdoor useConnections:1x CEE32-5p-In3x TrueOne-Out1x CEE32-5p-Through OutTechnical data:

The EtherPortXLR-M is a very compact Ethercon to 4x XLR Female BreakoutBox  (Sound: Intput, DMX Output)  for looping through.Ideal for extending or distributing four symmetrical audio signals via RJ45 as a multicore. e.g. stage microphone, delay speakers, DJ deck breakout, 1xEthercon In4 x  XLR Male 1:1 (Sound: Input, DMX Output)1x Ethercon through out

Der RigSwitch8xist ein 8-fach Ethernet 1GBit Verteiler für die Traverse, geeignet als zentrale Sternverteilung für viele Geräte auf naheliegendem Raum. 1x Powercon-True1-In1x Powercon-True1-Out 8x Ethercon-Out (mit Gummischutzkappe) IP54 unmanged M10 Schraubaufnahme zur Befestigung von Coupler, Triggerclamps o.ä.2xM4 Aufnahme für RPL Clamps

The EtherPortXLR-M is a very compact Ethercon to 4x XLR Female BreakoutBox  (Sound: Intput, DMX Output)  for looping through.Ideal for extending or distributing four symmetrical audio signals via RJ45 as a multicore. e.g. stage microphone, delay speakers, DJ deck breakout, 1xEthercon In4 x  XLR Male 1:1 (Sound: Input, DMX Output)1x Ethercon through out

The EtherPortXLR-M is a very compact Ethercon to 4x XLR Female BreakoutBox  (Sound: Intput, DMX Output)  for looping through.Ideal for extending or distributing four symmetrical audio signals via RJ45 as a multicore. e.g. stage microphone, delay speakers, DJ deck breakout, 1xEthercon In4 x  XLR Male 1:1 (Sound: Input, DMX Output)1x Ethercon through out

The EtherPortXLR-M is a very compact Ethercon to 4x XLR Female BreakoutBox  (Sound: Intput, DMX Output)  for looping through.Ideal for extending or distributing four symmetrical audio signals via RJ45 as a multicore. e.g. stage microphone, delay speakers, DJ deck breakout, 1xEthercon In4 x  XLR Male 1:1 (Sound: Input, DMX Output)1x Ethercon through out

The EtherPortXLR-M is a very compact Ethercon to 4x XLR Female BreakoutBox  (Sound: Intput, DMX Output)  for looping through.Ideal for extending or distributing four symmetrical audio signals via RJ45 as a multicore. e.g. stage microphone, delay speakers, DJ deck breakout, 1xEthercon In4 x  XLR Male 1:1 (Sound: Input, DMX Output)1x Ethercon through out

The DimPort32MK2 (2nd generation) is a smart 6-channel dimmer for the traverse,directly on the consumer in 6x Powercon (grey) versionSpecific features:6 channel three-phase dimmer for the TravereLow hum and dispersiononly short paths with phase control to the consumerspecial filtersup to 70% less cablingTraversenmontageCEE in/out (16A/32) Daisychain6x 10 amps (self-reset fuses, maintenance-free)diverse DimKurven / SwitchbetriebRDM (Bidirectional Communication): Headless parameterization and operational data transmissionSoft channel patch for fast channel routingDefinable behavior in the event of DMX failureConnections:1x CEE32-5p-In1x XLR5-in (DMX512)6x Powercon-Out (Load)1x XLR5-out (DMX512)1x CEE32-5p-Through OutTechnical data:

The DimPort32MK2-Han6 (2nd generation) is a smart 6-channel dimmer for the traverse,directly to the consumer in Han6 version.Specific features:no Lakas and Dimmercities (70% less cable/weight/setup time & personnel, truck space)Integrate and address any number of conventional spotlights via DMX5126 channel three-phase dimmer for the traverselow hum and scatteringonly short paths with phase control to the consumerspecial filtersCEE in/out (16A/32) Daisychain6x 10 amps (self-reset fuses, maintenance-free)diverse DimKurven / SwitchbetriebRDM (Bidirectional Communication): Headless parameterization and operational data transmissionSoft channel patch for fast channel routingDefinable behavior in the event of DMX failureConnections:1x CEE32-5p-In1x XLR5-in (DMX512)6x Powercon-Out (Load)1x XLR5-out (DMX512)1x CEE32-5p-Through OutTechnical data:

The RackPortPM16 is a 19" power monitor for retrofitting.Voltage/current display for easy looping into 3-phase supply lines, existing distribution racks.only one height unit (1U = 4.44cm)Specific features:Rack mounting: Front / Rear / Depth adjustable3x digital display voltmeter ammeter for each phase40-400V/100A precise digital meter voltmeter ammeterLCD screen with wide viewing angleswitchable backlightVoltage measurement range: 40-400V, measurement accuracy: ± 1%Current measurement range: 0-100AStarting current: 0.02A, measurement accuracy: ± 1%1m Cable in/outConnections:1x CEE16-In1x CEE16-OutTechnical data:

From €281.55*
The RackPortPM32 is a 19" power monitor for retrofitting.Voltage/current display for easy looping into 3-phase supply lines, existing distribution racks.only one height unit (1U = 4.44cm)Specific features:Rack mounting: Front / Rear / Depth adjustable3x digital display voltmeter ammeter for each phase40-400V/100A precise digital meter voltmeter ammeterLCD screen with wide viewing angleswitchable backlightVoltage measurement range: 40-400V, measurement accuracy: ± 1%Current measurement range: 0-100AStarting current: 0.02A, measurement accuracy: ± 1%1m Cable in/outConnections:1x CEE32-In1x CEE32-OutTechnical data:

The RackPortPM63 is a 19" power monitor for retrofitting.Voltage/current display for easy looping into 3-phase supply lines, existing distribution racks.only one height unit (1U = 4.44cm)Specific features:Rack mounting: Front / Rear / Depth adjustable3x digital display voltmeter ammeter for each phase40-400V/100A precise digital meter voltmeter ammeterLCD screen with wide viewing angleswitchable backlightVoltage measurement range: 40-400V, measurement accuracy: ± 1%Current measurement range: 0-100AStarting current: 0.02A, measurement accuracy: ± 1%1m Cable in/outConnections:1x CEE63-In1x CEE63-OutTechnical data:

The RackPortWD16 is an intelligent and smart power monitor for connecting to 3-phase 125 amp supply lines.Voltage/current display for looping into 3-phase supply linesonly one height unit (1U = 4.44cm) Specific features: Measurement of all 3x external conductorsWatchDog function for limit valuesPower measurement on each channelWeb server for monitoring and configurationEthernet, Wi-Fi, MQTT, Bluetooth...Performance measurement with data storageSmart schedules, scripting, webhooksN conductor measurement3x digital display voltmeter ammeter, blue for each phase Voltage measurement range: 60V to 500V, measurement accuracy ‎±1Current measurement: 0 to 100 A, measurement accuracy ±11m Cable in/outShelly Pro 3EMOptional: switching output Connections: 1x Ethernet 1x CEE16-In1x CEE16-Out Technical data:

The RackPortWD32 is an intelligent and smart power monitor for connecting to 3-phase 125 amp supply lines.Voltage/current display for looping into 3-phase supply linesonly one height unit (1U = 4.44cm) Specific features: Measurement of all 3x external conductorsWatchDog function for limit valuesPower measurement on each channelWeb server for monitoring and configurationEthernet, Wi-Fi, MQTT, Bluetooth...Performance measurement with data storageSmart schedules, scripting, webhooksN conductor measurement3x digital display voltmeter ammeter, blue for each phaseVoltage measurement range: 60V to 500V, measurement accuracy ‎±1Current measurement: 0 to 100 A, measurement accuracy ±11m Cable in/outShelly Pro 3EMOptional: switching output Connections: 1x Ethernet 1x CEE32-In1x CEE32-Out Technical data: 

The RackPortWD63 is an intelligent and smart power monitor for connection to 3-phase 125 amp supply lines.Voltage/current display for looping into 3-phase supply linesonly one height unit (1HE = 4.44cm) Specific features: Measurement of all 3x outer conductorsWatchDog function for limit valuesPower measurement on each channelWeb server for monitoring and configurationEthernet, Wi-Fi, MQTT, Bluetooth...Performance measurement with data storageSmart schedules, scripting, webhooksN-conductor measurement3x digital display voltmeter ammeter, blue for each phaseVoltage measuring range: 60 V to 500 V, measuring accuracy ‎±1Current measurement: 0 to 100 A, measurement accuracy ±11m cable in/outShelly Pro 3EMOptional: Switching output Connections: 1x Ethernet 1x CEE63-In1x CEE63-Out Documentation:  User Manual   Technical data:

RackPortMain1 - Versatile 1U MiniServer for System Monitoring and MoreThe RackPortMain1 is a compact 1U MiniServer, perfect for use as a central unit for Watchdog system monitoring. Featuring a freely configurable Raspberry Pi 5 web server on a Linux basis, it offers countless application possibilities. Use it to display WiFi power monitors, load cells, or any other external applications that respond to threshold exceedances or timers.Thanks to the open operating system and the powerful Raspberry Pi 5, the possibilities are virtually limitless.Key Features:Raspberry Pi 5: Open Linux system as a foundation with pre-installed Docker containersHomeAssistantNode-RedInfluxDBMosquittoExtensive Communication Options: Web server, MQTT, ModBus, HTML, Bluetooth, etc.High Operational Stability: SSD (Solid State Drive) for enhanced stabilityPowerful Hardware:25W power supply via GPIO portInternal 8-port 1Gbit switchVersatile Connectivity:1x Powercon True1 In1x Powercon True1 Out7x Ethernet (6x Front, 1x Rear)3x USB2x HDMI2x Extension ports for custom purposes like DMX or GPIOsTechnical Specifications:ARM Cortex 2.4GHz8GB RAM128GB SSD230VAC, 30WAdditional Resources:Find links to installation scripts and templates here:WatchDog (current, voltage, power, CosPhi…)Load cellsTemperature sensorsWind sensors User-Manual-Rigport-StagePort_de_V0-1User_Manual_WatchDog

The DrivePort32MK2 (2nd generation) is a smart 1-channel SIL3 PLe chain hoist control based on DMX/RDM for the traverse directly on the train.Specific features:1 channel DMX512/RDM motor control, SIL3 PleStand-alone or integrated in the RigPort systemno lakas and controller racks (up to 70% smaller footprint: cables/weight/setup time and personnel, truck space)Maintenance-free in the rig: full control and monitoring of all parameters, with self-reset also via RDMflexible and modular (the system grows with the requirements):Can be expanded to include D8 / D8PLUS / C1 chain hoists/motorsLoad measurement with optional plug-in load measuring cell / load measuring shackle (4..20mA)Distance measurement with distance/time measurement or with an optional plug-in distance measuring system / or   for positioning without any additionalLimit switching via activated SW limit switches or optionally pluggable HW limit switchesOptional:Mobile SW Suite for full control of the DrivePort ecosystemConditional scenic trips already with D8PLUS trains, according to BGVC1/DGUVConnections: 1x CEE32-5p-In1x XLR5-in (DMX512)1x XLR5m (X-Endpos)1x XLR4f (X-Payload)1x XLR5m (X-Distance)1x CEE16-5p4p-Out (Load)1x XLR5-out (DMX512)1x CEE32-5p-Through Out Technical data:


RigPort goes Smart!

IoT Technology Ports

By upgrading existing VT systems with smart ports you finally get full control over your infrastructure and usually without additional cabling via Wi-Fi. I.o.T. is thus finding its way into event technology through RigPort due to its very simple yet powerful technology. Main1 can also be used to manage the entire field of sensors.


enables the simple integration of

  • Energy (current, voltage, power, factor...)
  • Weight & load data
  • Position & location data
  • Elementary data (wind, temperature, sound level...)


  • On/off/toggle switch
  • Signals, converters
  • Drives

...in Your System

These can now be very easily, with the medium of your choice (phone, notebook, edge server, cloud...), be visualized, monitored, controlled and processed centrally.


Brake the Chains!